How To Search For A Program On A Mac


To delete unwanted programs from mac, you need a mac uninstaller - EaseUS CleanGenius. It's different to uninstall app comparing with Windows. Unlike Windows-based systems, Mac OS does not come with an Add/Remove Programs feature that will help you uninstall programs on Mac. Blu ray player program for mac. Some applications must be removed in other ways, and you’ll generally find instructions by simply performing a web search for “uninstall [program name] mac”. For example, Adobe offers a separate uninstaller app you need to download and run to uninstall Flash on a Mac. I purchased Move@Mac software from White Canyon Software and installed it on my old PC and new Mac, but I can't find it on the Mac so that I can run it and transfer data from my PC. Here's how to uninstall apps on a Mac, and rid them from your machine for good. MacOS is known for its simplicity, but that doesn't mean every facet of the operating system is easy to figure out.

Great Question! You are in luck because using an Apple computer is so versatile and easy. The Apple computer software usually gives you two or three different ways to do the same thing.

How to find installed programs on a mac

Here, there are many different ways to find a document, picture, folder, music, movie or application. One of the fastest ways is to use the Apple computer software called SPOTLIGHT. SPOTLIGHT is found in the top right corner of your MacBook Pro Menu Bar. It looks like a small magnifying glass. Click on the magnifying glass and an input box opens for you to begin typing whatever you are looking for. One of Apple's greatest search features is that they do not limit you on what you can look for. For example, you can search for a filename.

You can also type a phrase contained within the file you are searching for. You can also type in the file extension to limit the search further.

SPOTLIGHT will even search your calendar, events and dictionary as well as saved webpages. In fact, it will search through all the different types of categories of saved items you have on you hard drive. The results are presented and broken down by categories such as top hits, definitions, fonts, music, and etc. When you hover your mouse icon over any search result, you will get the exact location where the search result can be found on your hard drive. Some of the great things about SPOTLIGHT is that it is always available to you and always very easily found. Apple also offers a more comprehensive search function within the Apple computer software called FINDER.

Word Search On A Mac

Again, in any FINDER window, the search function is found in the upper right corner. As before, you can type in any combination of a word, phrase or file extension. The results in FINDER will show you the filename, type of file and the last time it was opened. You can limit the search to within the contents of any file or to just searching the filenames.

How To Find Programs On A Mac

The results can easily be sorted alphabetically, by date or by kind (or file type). Apple usually gives you the results of what it found when it searched all of what is contained within you computer. This is called This Mac. You can limit your search to just your hard drive, a particular folder or to even a particular file type. Another of the wonderful features of Apple computer software is that you can select different views. The views will list your results by icon, list, in columns or with Cover Flow. In both the icon and Cover Flow views, you can actually see at least the first page of content within the file.